A week of education and advocacy to raise awareness for our country’s infrastructure needs.

Pittsburgh, PA — The Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority is participating in the annual national advocacy and educational event, United for Infrastructure 2021, that takes place through May 14th. Across the country, businesses, labor organizations, and elected officials will come together to spread the message that the nation must #LeadWithInfrastructure.
“United for Infrastructure is an important event to spotlight national infrastructure needs. Especially now when water utilities across the country are striving to balance rates against the amount of work that needs to be done,” Will Pickering, PWSA’s Chief Executive Officer said. “A substantial federal investment in water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure will help us build overdue improvement projects more quickly and reduce the need to increase our rates in the future.”
PWSA is proud to participate in this national event and excited to share information about our infrastructure needs, projects, and achievements with our customers. We will be involved in various events during United for Infrastructure, including an event hosted by the Value of Water Campaign, entitled ‘Meeting the Moment: The Urgency and Opportunity to Invest in Water Systems.’ Our Chief Executive Officer, Will Pickering, will join an esteemed national panel of leaders in the water industry to discuss our lead program and the benefits of federal funding for critical water infrastructure projects.
PWSA will be active on social media throughout the week highlighting “once in a generation” projects to modernize Pittsburgh’s water infrastructure, active construction projects, and the success of our Community Lead Response. Use the hashtag #LeadWithInfrastructure to follow along with the ways we are advancing our investment in local infrastructure. Our comprehensive participation and highlighted projects will be housed on our National Water Sector Events page.

Over the next five years, the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority will embark upon its largest investment since the water system was first built at the turn of the 20th century. This investment totaling $1.2 billion will improve the safety and reliability of our water system while also bolstering the quality of life for residents and enhancing the economic development of the Pittsburgh region. An infusion of federal funding into our projects and projects across the nation will prioritize families, workers, and businesses, create more livable communities, and will support the economic recovery of the country.
About United for Infrastructure 2021
United for Infrastructure 2021 is a week-long event that advocates for better infrastructure policy and greater investment from all levels of government. Quality, affordable infrastructure – from clean water and broadband internet to safe transportation and strong supply chains – has never been more important. This year’s theme, Lead with Infrastructure, highlights the investments, policies, and reforms that are urgently needed to keep people safe, to make our families healthier, our communities more resilient and equitable, to make jobs more prosperous, and our economy secure. It is time for leaders in Congress and the administration to prioritize infrastructure. It is time to demonstrate the leadership the country needs.
Now in its ninth year, United for Infrastructure brings together diverse voices advocating for infrastructure. We are heartened by the renewed attention the current Congress and administration are bringing to this issue, but for too many years we’ve also seen big promises, half measures, and false starts.
United for Infrastructure Executive Director Zach Schafer says: “We are thrilled that PWSA has joined United for Infrastructure 2021. The state of America’s infrastructure is one of the nation’s most pressing issues. As the country falls deeper into a recession, we know that investing in infrastructure can play a crucial role in our recovery, creating both short-term and long-term jobs that support middle-class families and allow communities to thrive. When we invest in infrastructure, we invest in ourselves.”
For more information about PWSA’s participation in United for Infrastructure, please visit www.pgh2o.com/united-infrastructure. For more information about United for Infrastructure 2020 please visit, unitedforinfrastructure.org. Follow @PGH2O and @United4Infra for event updates.